

Here in the 3D plane of existence we perceive things in duality. In black and white, dark and light, good and bad. These opposing view points are but a mere illusion for this is a distortion in the matrix. We cannot divide our selves in this duality. We must embrace all the in between and see things in the gray, in the middle, in all the colors. For all you need to do is connect with your core, to your heart and unify these polar opposites to become whole. Your inner union is a part of realizing this truth. So stop judging them as things being this way or that way, placing them in either polarity. The experiences and situations coming up are for your soul to experience these array of colors, feel the entire spectrum of emotions and become whole, be in balance and in union with yourself. In order to transcend or escape this duality, we have to recognize that you are both of them, and you can’t chose one over the other. Every being in the universe is built by both of them, so your truth lies at the center, at the core. So break free from this program, this illusion is a mere distortion. Rise above it and look down from a 5D lens to understand this truth. This is part of your soul journey and what you must uncover when you come back you your center, to your soul and you open your heart. Surrender, brave soul, life is happening for you. Perceive to understand, and become whole. Let go of the program and delve into your core, into your heart, it’s calling you to awaken and experience all the colors of the rainbow.

-Mariela ♥️

#duality #yingyang #union #innerunion #matrix #illusion #whole #unity #center #core #soul #heart #merkaba #truth #colors #rainbow #liveincolor #quotes #destiny #beyourself
#ascensionsymptoms #spiritualawareness #spiritualconnection #archangels #synchronicities #starseeds #spiritualawaking #spiritualquotes #universallaws #spirituality

By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams

Light and darkness

Light and darkness.

Within your beautiful being you
have both light and darkness.
For in your soul expression here in this
reality you needed to go through
the darkness to find the light.
This darkness allowed your soul
to experience and learn certain lessons,
but most importantly it made you
realize who you are and what you
we’re capable of doing and becoming.
You needed both the light and the
dark to learn & understand.
Your pain is a part of you that
you’ve transmuted into power.
You are not meant to dwell in the darkness
and in seeking the light, both these
expressions have made you whole.
You must dwell in your center, in you heart
to bridge heaven and earth and to live in
harmony with the ever flowing universe.
What darkness does is to create matter,
structures, that helps you to realize
that you are only a reflection,
a mirror of the universe and
what your meant to overcome.
To understand you must not go up or down,
but to the core, the center, your center.
The only way you can transcend
the light into the darkness, as the concept
we have is to honor your roots that bind
you to earth, and honor your branches,
your leaves that reach the sky.
Connected to both heaven and grounded
to Earth, like the tree of life.
Going to the core is the only
way to create your new reality and
honor yourself as a creator in this universe.
While our own light is what pulls us
through and made us who we are,
so was the darkness needed to conquer
the challenges and pain to become our
greatest selves. So honor all that you are,
both the light and darkness that shaped you.
Live in the center, dwell in your
heart and soul to become whole.
Like the ying and the yang, the cosmic
duality, opposing yet complimenting
cosmic energies of nature that achieve
balance, harmony, & union.
Such as the merkabah principle of
opposing energies in perfect balance-
masculine and feminine, earth and
cosmos, thus achieving wholeness,
balance and union.
You’ve risen above, you know
what you’re capable of achieving.
You understand that the darkness
and the light are but mere tools
to understanding your true power

and who you truly are at the core.
Rise above brave soul,
you’ve set yourself free.

-Mariela ♥️

By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams



Trust the inner feeling of your soul.
That slight whisper that beckons you
to awaken.
These hunches, knudges, feelings,
signs, synchronicities are a way for
you to understand that this calling it
from your soul. Pay attention to the pattens
being presented.
You can connect the dots and perceive the
beautiful pictures before you.
This is your truth. Look within and
find yourself, allow yourself to feel
this and understand.
Surrender to this beautiful truth that
is you, and doubt not what you feel
and the vision of what you can become.
Feel this truth within and open your heart
to align with your soul purpose.
Trust in yourself above all else, for only you
know your destiny.
Your soul will lead you to where you
need to go, it will not lead you astray.
Take the step brave soul.
Feel your truth and allow yourself to journey
to the unknown.
For there you will find yourself again.
Live your truth, for it is who you are.

-Mariela ♥️

#truth #innertruth #soul #soulpurpose #sign #synchronicity #synchronicities #soulpath #soulpurpose #destiny #beyourself

#spiritguides #christconsciousness #energyreading #ascensionsymptoms #angelreadings #spiritualawareness #spiritualconnection #archangels #synchronicities #starseeds #spiritualawaking #spiritualquotes #universallaws #divinetiming #3rdeyeopen #spiritualguidance #higheawakening #spiritualtruth

By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams

Be yourself

Be yourself.

When you step into your own truth, you
honor your soul and it’s timeless wisdom.
For it knows every life, every breath, every emotion, every challenge, every action and step you’ve taken,
and those still yet to be taken.
You are meant to connect with this
part of yourself and understand your beautiful journey.
Rise above from what you think you
need to be, and instead feel with your heart to understand who your are meant to become instead.
Our mind is limited to understanding our
true potential and purpose.
Listen to the inner voice within
beckoning you to come back to
yourself and feel the truth within you.
Disarm your mind and connect with your
eternal soul to understand your path, purpose and destiny.
It is unfolding for you. Will you fight it?
Resist it? Or allow it to unfold as it
is meant to?
Step into your power, beautiful soul,
and truly become your true self.

-Mariela ♥️

#beyourself #authentic #authenticself #beyou #trueself #soulwisdom #heartwisdom #soulpurpose #soulcalling #highestself #innertruth #divineself ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

#spiritguides #christconsciousness #energyreading #ascensionsymptoms #angelreadings #spiritualawareness #spiritualconnection #archangels #synchronicities #starseeds #spiritualawaking #spiritualquotes #universallaws #divinetiming #3rdeyeopen #spiritualguidance #higheawakening #spiritualtruth

By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams



Peace starts within.
Understand that you have a choice in creating your environment.
You can chose low vibration feelings such as hate, anger, resentment, fear and judgement. Or you can chose high vibrational emotions such as joy, peace, love, passion and bliss. For your choice determines your actions, environment and ultimately your reality.
Be aware of energies around that impact/affect your reality. If you have people, situations, or things that clash with your
own energy, it brings your frequency/energy/vibration down, so you must learn to shield/protect and/or distance yourself from such energies because it will only affect your own energy and environment. You can’t change others energy, you can only focus on yourself. Understand that by allowing yourself to rise above the mind, and connect to your heart, you will bridge heaven and
earth and create a blissful existence.
It is possible to create such a reality when you chose your heart and detach from lower vibration emotions, places, thoughts and people. You have the power to create your own reality.
Connect with your soul and find your heart. Create a magical and peaceful existence filled with love, happiness, joy and bliss.
It is your choice. You have the power. Chose wisely.

-Mariela ♥️

#peace #energy #frequency #vibration #tesla #bliss #love #highvibration #highvibrations #reality #creating #create #cocreate #choices #passion #innerpeace

#poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #igpoets #quotestoliveby #quotestagram #quotesaboutlife #heartspace #divineguidance #healingenergy #higherconsciousness #divinemasculineblueprint #collectiveconsciousness #qotd

By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams

We are ONE

We are one.

We look all around us to find
beautiful souls inhabiting this
beautiful earth.
We may appear different physically,
but we are not.
Deep down our souls are all
connected and they are all one.
We are each a thread in this
larger scheme of reality, as a
unified whole, we are one
with the divine collective.
We truly are brothers and sisters,
creating a collective rainbow
of magnificence.
Allow yourself to take the blindfold
off and see with your heart.
We are all one heart, one soul,
one cosmic family.
We are all connected as one
force in love.
Remember this truth and embrace
your cosmic family, reject the
differences you think are real.
See beyond these illusions of
separations, and instead create a
sense of unity, by allowing to break
down the walls you’ve built.
Transcend your personal stories,
your expectations and perceived
limitations which are illusions.
Connect and share yourself with
the world coming from a place
of humility, empathy, compassion
and authenticity. Open your heart
and feel this eternal truth.
Remember you’re connected to the
totality of existence. We are ONE.

-Mariela ♥️

#weareone #one #united #unified #collective #cosmicfamily #soulfamily #soultribe #oneworld #onesoul #oneheart #sourcemessages #quotestoliveby #quotesoftheday #quotesaboutlife #quotes

#lightworker #trusttheuniverse #angelguides #5d #energy #alignment #marielastarseed #inneralchemy #lawofattraction #intuition #starseed #magic #synchronicity #smile

By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams



Do not allow your fears to come
in between you and your dreams.
Fear is a deep rooted template that
has the power to lower your vibration
and push you out of alignment with
who you are at a soul level and what
your meant to become and have in
this life. Fear creates doubt and a
negative environment around
you. For you are being stripped of
your power when you succumb to your fears. These are mental unfounded constructs that are not rooted in truth.
Do not allow fears to take hold of you.
Realize that they are only illusions in
your mind and you can conquer and release them by breaking the ties
that hold you to them.
You have a courageous spirit,
you can rise above anything brave soul. Remember this. You are stronger
than what you think.
Believe and trust in your inner power
and step into your most glorious
and magical life.
All you truly want is on the other side
of your fears.
Are you ready to slay them?
Become a fierce soul once and for all,
and know the greatness of your power.
Finally become the master of your
own destiny.

-Mariela ♥️

#fears #conquer #conqueryourfears #power #powerwithin #innerknowing #magic #inspiration #destiny #happy #sourcemessages #quotestoliveby #quotesoftheday #quotesaboutlife #quotes #quote

#lightworker #trusttheuniverse #angelguides #5d #energy #alignment #marielastarseed #inneralchemy #lawofattraction #intuition #starseed #magic #synchronicity #warrior #smile

By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams



You have the power to turn your pain
into a positive, your suffering and darkness into light by means of transmuting all your past
experiences that have in one way or another wronged you, hurt you,
broken you, crushed
you or challenged you.
These experiences were meant to
teach you a valuable lesson about
yourself and your own power and strength.
Do not continue to be a victim, realize
that these lessons were set up by
your soul to trigger you, were meant
to be experienced for you to learn
what you were meant to.
You understand that this expression of your soul needed this darkness,
to be able to see the light and to rise above these difficulties,
for they have shaped you.
Take pride in your pain, your tears, your wounds and scars, for they have
rebuilt the soul within you.
You’ve transmuted this darkness
into power, and you’ve honored your
soul purpose.
Keep rising my divine beauty,
you have the power to transform
anything you touch with your heart.
Release the shackles of what no longer
serves your soul. Transmute all the
darkness and become the light.
You are so bright beautiful soul.
I see your splendor, keep shining.

-Mariela ♥️

#transmutation #transmute #transformation #quote #paintopower #soulpurpose #soulpath #soulwisdom #change #growth #inspiration #happy #sourcemessages #quotestoliveby #quotesoftheday #quotesaboutlife

#lightworker #trusttheuniverse #angelguides #5d #energy #alignment #marielastarseed #inneralchemy #lawofattraction #intuition #starseed #alchemy #synchronicity #warrior

By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams

The language of the universe

The language of the universe.

Within your soul you can tap
into and understand an ancient
language that transcends space,
time, dimensions and realities.
This is understood by all sentient
beings who are able to connect to
the soul of the universe.
This celestial communication has the power to speak straight into you soul,
even when words lack the power to
explain such truths felt only from
within, felt only with your heart.
This language is a mystic system that
flows through you and is rooted in the universal symbolism and archetypes
of the universe.
For when you align with this source
energy of truth, you begin to make
the connections, and your mind becomes
a receiver of information that
transcends all realities.
Your mind becomes synchronized
and you connect to the field of
energy of unlimited universal
information. For once you’ve
synchronized your energy into
coherence between your heart and
mind, you can connect to this field of wisdom, truth and unlimited possibilities.
For these signs, symbols, images,
motifs, coincidences, feelings
and synchronicities become the way
of your understanding of this knowledge
pouring forth from the universal soul.
You doubt not it’s meaning and purpose,
for you understand it with you heart.
Open you heart and mind to this infinite wisdom and understand the power that
lies within you waiting to be uncovered.

-Mariela ♥️

#soulwisdom #universallanguage #languageoftheuniverse #languageofthesoul #signs #symbols #motifs #feelings #coherence #alignment #innerknowing #heartwisdom #univeralwisdom #magic

By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams



Magic exists all around us.
The force of creation lies within you.
This powerful energy pulls and attracts
towards you what lies within your heart
and soul.
Understand that the process of creating
a magical existence lies in aligning with
your soul purpose, with you are at the core.
Connect to the divine heart of the cosmos
for it is one and the same as yours.
It beats for aliveness and wonder,
it wants you to feel and surrender to
the magic of your own heart.
Fear not what you think is senseless or
illogical, for these are the experiences
that your soul is calling forth towards you.
You’re unfolding what you meant to discover.
Unleash the magic within you, and
witness the power of your own heart.

-Mariela ♥️

#heart #magic #openyourheart #soulpath #soulpurpose #soul #soulwisdom #heartwisdom #magical #alive #happy #sourcemessages #quotestoliveby #quotesoftheday #quotesaboutlife

#lightworker #trusttheuniverse #angelguides #5d #energy #alignment #marielastarseed #inneralchemy #lawofattraction #intuition #starseed #alchemy #synchronicity #warrior #goddess

By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams