Paperback book is here!

Hi there my stars,
For those of you who waited patiently for the print version of "Starseed: The Initiation"- it is finally here! The wait is finally over! You can get the paperback version at Amazon.

What is the book about? Here's the book description:

Sienna Sinclair thinks she is just another typical teenage girl who is trying hard to fit in with the high school crowds, which she feels alienated by. But when she is contacted by Sabian— a handsome and mysterious member of an ancient secret society, she is led to an unexpected journey where she encounters vile hybrid creatures and mythical beings and is admitted to Astarte Mystery School where she learns to awaken her inner-powers that will prepare her to realize she has a secret and powerful destiny: She is a Starseed.

One of my dreams as a published author is to hold my very own creation- in my hands! That is now a reality! I feel so blessed, grateful and beyond happy- words cannot express my feelings!

I wanted to share this moment with you- my constant supporters and loyal readers. Hopefully you can support me and purchase your very own copy of "Starseed: The Initiation" in paperback. I know this journey will kindle your spirit and imagination! Once you go down the rabbit hole- you will never be the same again- I assure you!

I want to thank my husband Adam for his unconditional support and belief of all my crazy dreams, and my amazing children – the trinity- Seth, Sienna and Syler…who are the genesis and inspiration of this book series….and to my amazing family, dear friends and loyal readers- thank you for your constant LOVE and support.

Thank you for believing in me!!
Once again, to purchase your very own paperback book click here:Amazon

Love and light,

Writers looking to publish

For all those writers out there who have an amazing story to tell but haven’t been able to get a break, I am posting a link for different publishing houses submission guidelines. Some require agented submissions, however many will accept un-agented submissions. These publishing houses are in good standing and have a good reputation (our good friends from Predators and Editors have complied this wonderful list).
Good luck with the process! If you have any questions let me know!

If you can dream it, you can achieve it!