Failing is evident?! Es evidente fallar?!

If you’ve never failed…you’ve never tried anything new. I love this quote and underlying message. In this picture we see 6 failures! Yes- the 6 very successful failures, changed their failures around, beat the odds and rose like the Phoenix from the ashes to fulfill their own life destiny. So when I tell people “it’s ok to fail”, they look at me like I’ve gone mad…but it’s true. In the dark night of the soul, we encounter darkness, doubt and even question the pursuit of that dream, and sometimes that’s the breaking point of giving up or continue despite the challenges. In truth- our tears make us humble and cleanses our spirit. What comes after is a matter of choice- give up or continue? I choose the latter…why? Because anyone whose ever done anything great in history failed many many times, and thank God they continued. Would would have happen if the didn’t? Imagine a world without Einstein, Jordan, Oprah, Steve Jobs, Disney and the Beatles? Imagine the void of these different people in the area of basketball, science, music, technology, entertainment and imagination?

So fail, and fail again…rise above it, and fail again, keep trying, keep making mistakes, try new things, and fail, challenge yourself, until you turn your failures into realities. These failures, the journey will shape you and in the end will make you a better, stronger and more resilient human being, an example to others, that’s it’s ok to fail, the trick is to keep going, keep moving forward..without action we get farther away from our desires. If you don’t, you will never know the great void you will cause this world, if you decide not to try.

Love and light,


Spanish version

Si nunca has fallado, nunca has intentado nada nuevo. Me encanta esta cita y el mensaje a fondo. En esta foto vemos 6 fracasos! Si- 6 muy exitosos fracasos, cambiaron sus fracasos, batieron las probabilidades, y ascendieron como el fénix de las cenizas, para cumplir su propio destino. Por ello cuando digo a las personas “es bueno fallar”, me miran como si me hubiera vuelto loca, pero es la verdad. En la noche oscura del alma, encontraremos oscuridad, duda y cuestionaremos la búsqueda de nuestros sueños. Ese es el punto de ruptura, rendirse o continuar a pesar del reto. En verdad- son las lágrimas que renuevan el espirito y nos hacen humildes. Lo que viene después es una elección personal- darte por vencido o continuar? Yo escojo la última opción…Porque? Porque cualquier persona que hizo algo en la historia falló muchas muchas veces y gracias a Dios que decidieron continuar. Imaginemos un mundo sin Einstein, Jordan, Oprah, Steve Jobs, Disney y los Beatles? Imagínate el gran vacío de estas diferentes personas en el área de basketball, ciencia, música, tecnología, entretenimiento e imaginación? Así que falla, y vuelve a fallar, levántate de nuevo, sigue intentando, sigue haciendo errores, intenta nuevos cosas y nuevos retos, hasta que conviertas tus fracasos en realidad. Estos fracasos, el andar en el camino, te formará, y al final te hará en una mejor persona con más fortaleza y resistencia, un ejemplo a los demos, mostrando qué es bueno fallar, lo importante es continuar adelante, ya que sin acción, nos alejaremos más de nuestros deseos. Será difícil, pero si no lo haces, nunca sabrás el gran vacío que existirá en el mundo, si decides no intentarlo.

Amor y luz,


Quantum Physics: Proves there is an afterlife

I read this article today which is mind blowing! I love reading and studying quantum physics because it teaches us the real nature of reality and the universe. Go
Here to read the entire article where scientist Robert Forza explains this concept.
The idea of reincarnation or afterlife has existed in all major religions and spiritual traditions and at at some point some retracted from this idea and disclaimed it, including the catholic religion.
Regardless of whatever religious authority says, sometimes we cannot reject those crazy deja vu moments, or those experiences we have when we walk into a place we have already been before. Or what about when we meet someone you know in your heart and soul that you have met before. I don’t intend to open a can of worms, I say this with the utmost respect to those religious traditions that oppose these views.
We are an extension of the divine, and God allows for these experiences for our personal growth and to attain inner awakening and thus connect us to the divine collective consciousness.
If you believe this or not, quantum physics and science is showing us that we, consciousness- create our universe, and time, space and death are constructs of our mind.
Check out Dr. Brian Weiss who’s life work

Continue reading

Decide…and await the impossible

ralph-waldo-em-universeRalph Waldo Emerson was so right with this quote:  “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.”

In life, we must not co-exist without true purpose. If we do, our life becomes someone else’s reality as we are pulled into their frequency.  So, if you presently find yourself in a reality that you are not happy with, or living an existence that you never dreamed for yourself then act NOW and make the decision of what it is you really want to do in your life.

This deciding moment will begin to shift your frequency and therefore your reality will begin to align yourself with that which you truly desire. Remember not to live on autopilot. Make the decision now and await the impossible.

Once we align with our dreams and heart’s desires, the universe will conspire to bring us what it we truly want. It can be no other way.

Don’t follow the crowds, go your own way

I positively LOVE this quote: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”.
–Ralph Waldo Emerson
Who doesn’t love Emerson! He was so right with this quote. I know that fear many times prevent us from doing our own thing, and instead we end up following the masses to try and fit into a mold that will never be contorted to fit us.
Don’t be afraid to be you and to be different! Because only you can bring forth a creation so magical that only you could have created such a unique reality. Whether you want to be an actor(ress), writer, dancer, musician, doctor, astronaut, soccer agent, or soccer player. Only you know what it is to dream your dream, so don’t let them be only that- a dream- go forth and make them into reality! Whatever your heart desires is the beginning of creation.
So create a magical reality and don’t follow the crowd, instead go on your own path and see what wonders you can create- when you follow your heart and do your own thing.

Choices, Chances, Changes

I love this picture that states such a powerful message: “You must make a Choice to take a Chance or your life will never Change.”
This is a very truthful statement! We cannot expect things to change- especially when things are not going our way- if we do not take a chance. Our lack of action, prevents us to flow and we resist change. So if you truly desire change, you need to implement the thee C’s in your life to
create the life you were meant to live. But this starts with us, so don’t be afraid of change, we must remain in a constant state of flow, this is the nature of existence.
Everything changes from moment to moment, there is no standing still in our physical existence.
Being alive is like riding a wave, so embrace the moment and go with the flow! Ride the highest wave and see what wonders flow towards you, when you decide to make a choice!

The Power of Words

thepowerofwordsCan words have the power to create your reality? I will put it this way, all sound has a frequency and can be measured, but at a deeper level, sounds resonate within our psyche and can be as powerful as our imagination.

Mantras, which are Vedic in origin, act on the same principle of sound frequency and although they were created in the Sanskrit language, which is now a dead language, our soul recognizes these sounds and its powerful effects can transform our lives.

It is no surprise to know that words can also be hurtful and can cause damage, this echoes the same premise of the power of sounds. So if you tell yourself all day “I CAN’T DO THIS!”, guess what? You can’t do it. That is how powerful your words are. But instead, if you tell yourself “I can do this!”, “I am wonderful”, “I am intelligent”, “I am loved”. Guess what? You are and will be all of that and more.

It is important to focus on the positive words and only state those to yourself and to others as the power frequency will envelop your environment and will literally pave the way for whatever you are stating or verbalizing to come to you. Good or bad.

Words, backed up by your inner- belief and your positive emotions will bring those things to you even faster. Sometimes a quick shift of words when you’re having a bad day can transform the negative experience into a positive one. Try it one day you’re having a bad day and witness how the power of words can affect your reality almost instantly.

That is why words, mantras and prayers are so powerful and can have such a healing and peaceful effect by delving into its daily practice.

Star Rise- The Initiation goes into these premises and you will learn how the power of words and mantras can literally transform your reality and your powers can awaken. The Gayatri mantra is a central aspect of the book, listen to it HERE as it is sung by Deva Premal to feel its powerful effects.

I end this note with a very powerful quote:

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” —Frank Outlaw

Can your reality be created with imagination?

Our imagining mind is so powerful it can create what we perceive as reality. Everyone’s experience differs, depending on our intent.
Have you heard of imaginal cells? If you have not, I highly recommend this video from Deepak Chopra who explains these simple, yet complex premises that will blow your minds. Go HERE to view this short 2 minute video.

The Star Rise Series is all about imagination! You will see how the characters evolve as they use their imagination to change, their imaginal cells working hard to create their reality.
I invite you to use your imagination, meditation is a wonderful practice to explore in order to become an avid creator.
I am doing the 21 day journey Mantra-meditation journey with Deva Premal (you can find her and her powerful mantras on my RESOURCES page).Go HERE to start your 21 day journey to discover yourself with Deva Premal as your guide.
Deepak Chopra and Oprah also had a 21 day meditation journey which ended on August 27, but can be accessed HERE.
In my next posts you will learn the power of words and mantras. Deva Premal has created the most powerful music, she sings the Gatatri Mantra, one of the most ancient Sanskrit-Hindu mantra-prayers to the sun, a plea for enlightenment, healing, love and peace, which is much needed in our world. Listen to it and sense the magical force of this mantra!
The Gatatri Mantra is an essential core of Star Rise- The Initiation and if its characters inner-transformation.
I know I have given you a lot to chew on. Make sure to open the horizons of your mind and explore your inner-self to awaken your powerful faculties that lay dormant within.

In love and light,