True definition of Thanksgiving

There are so many definitions and meaning to this day. Thanksgiving in is earliest genesis was the moment when the natives helped the pilgrims- a group of people- different in all ways, and although many would see that as a threat, these humble and generous group of Native American Indians helped them survive their first winter in a strange land, taught them how to live, how to grow crops and harvest them…culminating with a celebration of two groups coming together as one- giving thanks for this new friendship and aid that was done with love ❤️ Let this story echo in our present, and let us not see the differences, but come together as one ☝️ people, one nation, one world 🌎 and pave the way for love and gratitude as it’s harvest 🙏🏼 ❤️ #truemeaningofthanksgiving #weareone

This new year…BE the change you want to see in this world

Be the change you want to see in this world

Be the change you want to see in this world

Happy New Year 2015!! I wish that you may have a year full of blessings, happiness, love and light! I love new years, because they are times of reflection. It is a time when we decide what we can change within us to become better and to become the best versions of ourselves. While many new year resolutions are aimed towards losing weight, saving more money, buying a new car, etc., and while all resolutions have a place in our holistic self that will make all parts of our life better and thus make us better. It all starts with US. We decide to BE. To be what? You may ask. I simply say: “Be the best you”. Such as the wise Gandhi once said “Be the change you seek to see in this world.” He was not far from the truth and in fact, this is what true change is all about. We need to be the best versions of ourselves. We all know what that means. We know the areas we might need to work on and most importantly, only we know what we must do to cleanse ourselves from the past and start anew with new light and new force, so we can shine once more and leave our mark in this world (or why not? In this universe).

So this new year, let it be about YOU. Do not worry what others need to do or change. That is not up to us. But what we can do and focus is on our own life, our own little universe. This we can control, and hopefully one good choice, will lead to another, and another and like a domino effect cause an expansion of light and love all around us that will not only touch your family, friends, community, but the entire world and push towards the collective force that will pave the way to change our entire universe. And it starts with you. Do it my friend. Take the first step and BE THE CHANGE!

Love and light,



Milton’s Secret

I wanted to share the news about this new screenplay about to be turned into a family film with spiritual undertones about bullying, high ideals, and prevailing over uncertainty.
This is an extremely exiting movement, since for the first time, more and more movies and books that talk about spirituality, awareness, awakening, inner-transformation and consciousness are being produced!
You too can be part of making it a dream come true and that there are rewards to be shared. Star Rise- The Initiation is a story similar to Milton’s Secret in that is heightens the awareness of not only the main character, but the reader. Awakening is part of this inner-personal journey within that will make us realize the powers that lie dormant within us.
In invite you to help me in pay it forward to get as much support to fund this one of a kind project!!

The Biggest Secret: Does the Illuminati-Elite control our world?

This might sound like a conspiracy theory to you, but we are getting the same information from many different sources regarding the ruling elite aka- The Illuminati. Below is a link to David Icke’s theory which resonates with so much truth. Please open your mind prior to reading it.

In this time where a conscious shift is occurring, where we are realizing that we are not alone and we can come together as one and unite to become free of all the chains that are binding us to a life of chaos and darkness. We are light and as powerful and bright as the stars in the firmament, Continue reading