
The Mystery of Water

Water: The Great Mystery (Full Documentary)

Water has such amazing forces- from healing, cleansing, to nurturing. This amazing documentary explains the mystery of water and the power of prayer, mantras, meditation and intention! It is Just amazing!! Watch it before it get’s removed again from youtube.

Our friends from Spirit Science talked about this on their website and put the link to the documentary. If you still have not checked them out- I highly recommend them! Their movies are truly transformational!

As we know the power of intent, of words, prayer and mantras are vibrating, like everything else in this universe. The higher the vibration, the more align we are with Source/God/Creator, the less their vibration, the less we are aligned with Source.

So words- good and bad- can affect our environment and reality. In the documentary you will see how this is proven scientifically by Dr. Emoto, who has been doing research on water for decades. We can see how “I love you” vs “I hate you” can have totally different outcomes in our environment and reality. We see how the power of words can change the water itself.

Words can literally create whatever intention we give them. So next time you state something to the universe, make sure that your words are beautiful, full of loving intent.

Hope you enjoy this documentary!

Love and light,


Power of water