You are the receiver

You are the receiver.

You are a vessel of divine wisdom.
Within you lies a receptive nature,
attained when you’ve disconnected
from your mind and opened to your heart.
Your soul opens up to you like a flower,
bringing forth soul wisdom that is meant
to awaken and transform you.
Get out of your own way.
Release the need to control.
Just flow with what is.
You have the potential to connect the
divine source and your Godself.
This force is continuously steering you
and nudging you in the right direction.
Honor who you are at a soul level.
It is beckoning you to awaken.
It wants to lead you back to your own heart.
Accept the truth within and find the courage to leap into the unknown.
Do not fear this uncertainty, for this is
part of your own journey to self discovery.
You are ready brave soul.
Open the door to your destiny.

-Mariela ♥️

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By marielanarvaez Posted in Dreams

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